
時間 2021-06-18 16:16:42


1.goodmorning parents,welcome to our school!today is the ** of october,the teachers are now shop managers, children can go buy their stuff

2.the class is over,let's go to the game room!



1\ ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our school! today is october _.

now, i am the manager of this shop, dear kids, go and buy what you need right now!

2\class is over~~let's go to the play house for fun!


1.尊敬的各位家長你們好,歡迎來到我們學校!今天是10月**號,老師現在是商店老闆,小朋友們去買自己需要的東西~hello,every dear parents,welcome to our school!

today is october the **, now the teachers are the managers of the shop,the children can go to buy something that they want.


class is over,let's go to the game-room to paly.


1. good morning, respectable parents, welcome to our school! today is october **.

the teachers became the boss of the shop, and all the kids can buy what they need now.

2. the class is over! let's go to play in the game room!

英語翻譯高手請進,英語翻譯 高手請進

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