
時間 2021-12-22 04:27:03


john is a famous writer now. but he said he was not a ( ) student when he was young. he was often late for( )and didn't like doing his homework.

sometimes, he slept in class while the teacher was teaching. he didn't understand much, ( )he always thought he understood everything. one day the teacher ( )the students a question, "when jack was ten years old, ( ) brother bob was twenty, jack is fifteen now and ( )is his brother bob?

" john said, "that's easy. bob is twice as old as jack, so he is now thirty." another time, the ( )in a science class asked, "when it thunders (打雷), ( )do we always see the light before we ( )the sound?

""but miss." said john quickly, "don't you ( ) our eyes are in front of our ears?"問題補充:


第一空 good tall rich fat

第二空 sleep lunch class play

第三空 so and or but

第四空 sent asked told found

第五空 your my his her

第六空 how many how old what who

第七空 teacher farmer nurse policeman

第八空 what when where why

第九空 break make hear smell

第十空 read hope study know


1good 2 class 3but 4asked 5his 6how old 7teacher 8why 9hear 10know


1.先精讀首句 完形填空一般第一句話肯定是不會設定題目的,所以第一句要認真閱讀,可以知道這篇.2.再通讀全文 不看選項,從頭到尾看一下文章,這樣對文章的脈絡能有個瞭解 3.對照前後文 一般前後文裡多次出現的單詞,是正確答案的概率比較高 如果出現代詞,也要對照.4.注意時態 語態,通常整篇文章時態都是...


a c c b c,c b a b a 您的答案是全對的 去其他國家是很有趣的,但是如果你不懂得語言的話,仍然存在許多問題。你將會很難於當地人溝通,不知道如何使用 我們可能不知道如何買我們需要的,在陌生的國家我們可能不知道去 吃或者在飯店裡點什麼。很難決定給服務員或計程車司機多少小費。當我們需要幫助...


要提高完型填空能力就是要大量練習。沒有捷徑。但練習也要講究方法。我就是這麼上來的。一開始我的完型也爛,爛到無可比擬的地步 現在也算是可以了。對於完型有兩種做法 一是先通讀,猜測空的詞語的意思,讀完後再回頭選。二是邊讀邊做。我一般選用第二種方法,因為每當考試時間都比較緊,在平常練習時也注重時間,否則到...