
時間 2021-05-07 19:58:57


1.china lies in the east of asia,the weather is cold in winter and hot in summer,with the populartion of 1.3billion.

2.there are 56 ethnic groups,most of the han nationality.

3.from east to west lasts 5 thousand kilometers,from south to north lasts 5 thousand 5 hundred miles,the ares is 960 million square miles.

漢譯英翻譯,英譯漢 翻譯

這是我喜歡這部電影的原因 它鼓勵人們去維護人的尊嚴,去體會生活的美,而且最重要的是保持希望永遠。他曾經是天生的,那就是死。每個人都是一樣的。唯一不同的是忙著活,或者忙著死。電影告訴我們,雖然人只能活一次,但是如果他保持信心,希望好好地活,一次也就足夠了。信念是能感覺光在黎明前的黑暗中的鳥,希望這個世...


now,i even forgot how to cry.every separation,it recall memories i even had forgotten now how to cry.when the separation,remembers the recollection i ...

英語翻譯 漢譯英,英譯漢和 漢譯英 區別?

1.we clean classroom 2 every day.he has made kite 3.in his garden is watering flowers.4.the workers completed this item to work.5.they must plant tree...