1 正在下雨2 今天天氣怎麼樣晴天3 有一點點風4 那裡天氣怎麼樣5 有霧(翻譯成英語)

時間 2021-07-19 06:31:52


1.it is raining now.

2.-----what's the weather like today? /how's the weather today?


3.it is a little windy.

4.how is the weather there?

5,it's foggy.


it's raining.

what's the weather like today?

it is a little windy.

how is the weather there?

it's foggy.



1.was raining 2.what's the weather like today?

-- sunny 3.a little wind 4.how is the weather there 5.

the fog


it『s raining now。

what』s the weather like today = how『s the weather today——sunny=it』s sunny

it『s a little bit windwhat』s the weather like there = how『s the weather there

今天天氣怎麼樣 正在下雨。(翻譯為英語)

歸賓 how s the weather today?it is raining. how about the weather today?it is raining. how the weather like today?is rain 今天天氣怎麼樣?今天下雨。英文翻譯 what s the w...


翻譯 what s the weather like today? 嗯額樓 what s the weather like today? 木爭 what s the weather today? 百小度 how is the weather?what s the weather like today...


酷叔叔英語口語 今天,明天,昨天看起來很簡單,今天today是日常生活中最常見的關於時間的英語,可以這樣去使用和理解 心心愛旅遊 天氣怎麼樣用英語怎麼說,教你簡單的方法,小朋友快來學學吧 拉線墨斗 一般意譯 it is 天氣 再或者today the weather is 但這個沒上面那個地道 小二...