
時間 2021-05-07 19:59:46


he is from england. ( he isi't from england. )

( is he from england? ) ( yes,he is. / no,he is't.)

①. i'm in class 5. ( i am not in class 5 )

( are you in class 5? ) ( no, i am not in class 5 )

②. the man is a doctor. ( the man isn't a doctor )

( is the man a doctor? ) ( no, he is not a doctor )

③. they are my friends. ( they aren't my friends. )

( are they your friends? ) ( no, they aren't my friends. )

④. his shoes are black. ( his shoes aren't black. )

( are his shoes black? ) ( no, his shoes aren't black. )

⑤. we are from china. ( we aren't china. )

( are you from china? ) ( yes, we are from china. )



i'm not in class 5.

am in in class 5 yes i'm no i'm not

the man isn't a doctor.

is the man a doctor. yes,he is. / no,he is't

they aren't my friends

are they my friends yes they're no they aren't

his shoes aren't black.

are his shoes black. yes they're no they aren't

we are n't from china

are we from china we are from china

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