
時間 2021-08-30 10:56:34


1.這四個男孩中哪個年齡最大?(which boy,old,four)

which by is the oldest in the four boys?

2.你的書包比她的新多了.(bag ,much,new,than)

your bag is much newer than hers/

3.到我家過中秋節吧.(come over,my house, mid-autumn day)

please come over to my house to spend the mid-autumn day.

4.我們經常在戶外做早操.(often,morning exercise,open,air)

we often do morning exercises in the open air.


1. which of these four boys is the oldest?

2. your bag is much newer than hers.

3. come over to my house for mid-autumn day!

4. we often do morning exercise in the open air.


which boy is the oldest among the four?

your school bag is much newer than hers.

come over my house on mid-antumn day.

we often do morning exercises in the open air.


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