
時間 2022-04-02 13:55:03


1 she reduced her weight "by" 5 kilograms

2 bill talks as though he "knew" everything in the world

3 do you think they can live "through" the earthquake?

4 fortunately,all passengers on board were free from danger (the 去掉)

5 i know nothing about the movie "except" that it was made last year



1.she ruduced her weight by 5 kilograms

2.bill talks as though he knew everything in the world

3.do you think they can survive the earthquake?

4.fortunately,all passengers on board were free from danger.

5.i know nothing about the movie except that it was made last year.


1 不用加。這裡that已經指代了the percentage of married people and widowed people。加了反而是多此一舉,換句話應該說是錯誤了。2 用occupy是可以的,當然take亦可。1 不用因為這裡that 就是代替的。the percentage of ...

句子改錯 英語的 ,句子改錯(英語)還要翻譯

浙江一直很安靜 1.twins twins 2.is are 3.parent parents 4.in on 5.are is 6.but and 7.去掉a,句末應為句點 8.are is 9.her him 10.row rows 11.some any 12.not don t 句子改錯 英...


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